Make Good Comics (a comic about making comics)

   So I recently finished up my second school year, and I made a comic for my final project. We were tasked to make a short autobiographical graphic novel. You can read it for free here!

    The story follows an artist who wants to make good comics, but struggles with figuring out what sort of narrative they want to tell.

    It's something I personally have a hard time with, as well. Often I feel like I have to provide some kind of deep or nuanced insight with my personal comics. Ironically, this pressure tends to make it harder for me to make something meaningful to myself. I remember talking to a lot of my comic artist friends about this, and I found it was actually quite a common phenomenon amongst my friends.

    I had a lot of fun with this project. Since I've been making comics for fun in my own free time for the last four-ish years, I wanted to try something new and experimental in order to push my own limits. I ended up going for a semi-mixed media comic, using techniques I'd never tried before.

    After doing all the thumbnailing and sketching digitally, I printed it all out and inked all my pages on paper. I had a ton of fun doing this. I even ended up putting some real post-it notes on my page for the post-its that the character uses, and it just turned out SO COOL looking! I'm super proud of how this effect looks.

        Overall, I'm glad I was able to make this comic. The story really does mean a lot to me, and I'm quite proud of the end results.
